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Unlocking Opportunities: LUNA ERG Welcomes Latinos in Tech Scholars at NetApp

By: Gisela Angulo April 15, 2024

Thank you, LUNA – Latinos Unidos at NetApp ERG group, for hosting our Latinos in Tech Scholars!

Our scholars toured NetApp and connected with its employees, gaining valuable insights.

One student said, “This experience was eye-opening. They shared real advice and experiences that helped me understand how NetApp and the industry function for Latinos. The one-on-one discussions and panel helped me understand my degree’s context, visualize future career paths, and embrace opportunities beyond my focus.”

Beyond financial aid, our program equips Latino students with skills and networks for career success, with ERG groups playing a critical role.

Interested in hosting our scholars at your offices? Contact Let’s empower the next generation of Latinos in STEM together.