
Recap of the 2021 Latinx Speaker Series – Latinx Entrepreneurship

By: HFSV September 28, 2021

Dear Friend,

On Thursday, April 22, 2021, the Latinx community of Silicon Valley gathered for a conversation around Latinx entrepreneurship. We shed light on some of the challenges, risks, and rewards of starting and owning your own business. We all know Latinx-owned businesses are the fastest growing segment of the U.S small business ecosystem. Now more than ever before more Latinos are starting businesses and leverage community, culture, and technology to run sustainable businesses and employ many.

The purpose of the Latinx Speaker Series event is to foster community and convene the diverse sectors of our Latinx community in Silicon Valley. We invite you to stay close to our emails and social media channels. To learn more about our convening and engaging initiative click here.

Once again thank you to all of the attendees, event sponsor, media partners, and media influencers for making this event a true success. But more importantly, special thanks to the panelists and facilitator for their candid conversation and inspirational stories.

As our friend Ruben Dario Villa, owner of Fuchila Fresheners said, “Let your weirdness shine!”

Until next time,

Ron Gonzales,
President & CEO,
Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley