Get to know our Chief Development Officer Clara Roa

“The passion of the local Latino community is so energizing and it motivates me to work harder!” – Clara Roa, Chief Development Officer, Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley
A native of Bogota, Colombia, mother of one, and a transplant to Silicon Valley, Clara shares with us what she has learned in recent years about an organization managed and led by passionate Hispanic leaders. To learn more about Clara Roa click here.
Scholarship Application Deadline Extended

“Great news! The Latinos in Technology Scholarship application deadline has been extended to Tuesday, April 13, 2021. For Latinx students in college pursuing a STEM degree, this scholarship is still available for you! Scholarship recipients may also be provided internship opportunities with corporate funders from Silicon Valley. Share the following link with anyone you think may benefit from our scholarship. Click here.
Mentorship Program

The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley initiated the Conexiones (Connections) Program in 2020 as a way for our Latinos in Technology Scholarship recipients to partner with Latinx professionals in Silicon Valley. The goal is to provide our scholars with Conexiones that will strengthen their professional development skills as they start their careers. Through Conexiones, our scholars are matched with a mentor that guides them through a five-month program emphasizing leadership and professional development skills. To learn more about how it works click here.
Hispanic Foundation College Success Center

The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon believes the educational foundation for every Latinx student begins at home. From the start of the year to March we have served 122 students and 306 parents so far. See below for all the STEM and Parent Education classes that we have offered this year. *We will continue to conduct virtual workshops until further notice.