As part of the Eastside Education Initiative (EEI), our HFSV team supported college field trips to Santa Clara University and San Jose State University for middle and high school students from August Boeger, Ida Jew Academy, and Mount Pleasant High School.
At Santa Clara University, LEAD Scholars Program – which supports first-generation college students in their academic success, community engagement, and vocational exploration – hosted our students, who enjoyed a campus tour and a fantastic panel of SCU students and alumni about their college experience, thus far and shared advice about their upcoming challenges.

On the other hand, while visiting San Jose State University, Spartan Alumni, EEI Career Specialist Valeria Cazares, our College Success and STEM Programs Manager Mirella Maldonado, and Latinos in Technology Scholar Hector Rosas toured students around the campus, finalizing our trip in a Q&A session about SJSU at the Student Union.
Following the college field trips, our EEI students’ had their final lesson about College and Career Readiness. Incoming 7th and 8th graders were able to hear first-hand from college alumni about their experience of being first-generation college students and how they navigated the college system and application process.
Thank you to our Family Engagement Senior Coordinator, Evelyn Rojas, and Latino in Technology Scholarship recipient Hector Rosas for being part of this panel and sharing your story with our students from East San Jose!
Special thanks to everyone that makes these events possible. Throughout these opportunities, we aim to grow the number of Latino students attending college, increase graduation rates, and increase students’ knowledge of the college journey.