The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley (HFSV) hired Margarita this month 11 years ago. Since then the organization has seen tremendous growth with Margarita being a part of the journey. A native to Silicon Valley, mother of three and now a recent grandmother to Erick Jr, Margarita shares with us what she has learned about an organization supported, managed, and led by Hispanic leaders in Silicon Valley.
Here is what she has to say in her own words:
When I first started the organization was small, we were operating at 300k in revenue and now we are a team of six at 2.4 million. It’s just been incredible to see the sense of support and community all ranging from donors, students, parents, partners, and so many more. My favorite part about this organization is being able to serve first generation families, including parents, about how to navigate the American school system. I just get filled with joy and excitement when parents join our Parent Education Academy while their child is also participating in our HFCSC programs. There is tremendous power in Latinx families.
Here is a bit more about Margarita
How long have you lived in San Jose?
I lived in Silicon Valley for my entire life. My home for the past 20 plus years has been in East San Jose. tribe
What’s your favorite show to binge watch?
Okay, I’m going to mention my three favorite shows to binge watch. First is Stranger Things because of its 80’s nostalgic feel. Second, Grey’s Anatomy because it’s probably one of the oldest shows and is still running today. Lastly, This Is Us because right from the get go it was highly relatable to me.
Are you a cat or dog person?
I would say that I was a dog person until I personally got a cat. If you are a cat owner you will understand.
What’s your cat and dog’s name and why?
Okay so, our cat’s name is Lex after my youngest daughter’s favorite YouTuber. Our dog’s name is Meelo and his name was already given to him when our family adopted him.

How is life like now as a Grandma?
Words can not describe the overwhelming feeling and mix of emotions when I hold baby Erick.

What do you look forward to with Hispanic Foundation this year?
I look forward to getting back to the office with all of my colleagues. I am positive we will pick up right where we left off prior to the pandemic. I truly enjoy our office setting and appreciate the small talk.
HFSV is fortunate and proud to have Margarita DeAvila as part of the team. We can truly say she helps keep wheels on the bus at all times. We look forward to our continued collaboration.