
Three LBLA Fellows Elected by the People

By: HFSV September 9, 2021

The Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley is proud to congratulate three Latino Board Leadership Academy (LBLA) Fellows who made their voice heard in their community and were elected by the people this past General Election. We invest in Latinos like (left to right) Ernesto, Eddie, and Karina in an effort to improve the quality of life for #SiliconValleyLatinos.

Congratulations to Ernesto Bejarano for being elected to the Alum Rock Union School District Board of Trustees. Ernesto participated in our LBLA program back in 2012 (Class II).

“I carry my LBLA badge loud and proud and the experience has certainly helped to prepare me for my new role.”

Ernesto Bejarano for ARUSD Board of Trustees 2018

Congratulations to Eddie Flores for being the first Latino male elected to the South San Francisco Unified School District as a new board of trustee. Eddie participated in the LBLA Class X cohort in San Mateo County in 2017.

Congratulations to Karina Dominguez , who participated along with Eddie Flores in the Class X cohort in San Mateo County, for being elected to the Milpitas City Council.

“It’s events such as the #HFSVBall and programs like the #LBLA that have allowed me to get to where I am today. Thank you for believing in me and for investing in my future. I am thankful for having you as part of my village and together we will continue to pull latin@s up!”

Karina Dominguez, Council Member, City of Milpitas 

Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley wishes these three individuals all the best their future endeavors.