Raised by a Colombian mother and an Indonesian father, Mark Susanto grew up in a home mixed with an ethnic heritage in San Mateo County. At a young age, Mark’s passion involved discovering the functionalities of automobiles. With a desire to have a career in the automotive industry, Mark sets his sights on an undergraduate’s degree in mechanical engineering.
Currently, Mark is in a summer internship at KLA Tencor in Milpitas, CA. Mark, entering his third year at UC Davis, hopes to implement his creative thinking to overcome global challenges in hopes to improve the quality of lives of everyone.
Our Latinos in Technology Scholarship Initiative (LITSI) provides college Latinos enrolled in a STEM major scholarships up to $10,000. In addition, corporate investor sponsors such as Bank of America, Carl and Leslee Guardino, Hastings Fund, Intel, KLA Tencor, Lam Research, Silicon Valley Bank and Western Digital provide summer internships to scholarship recipients.
To learn more about our Latinos in Technology Initiative visit: http://www.hfsv.org/Initiatives/LITI
For further discussion reach out to our Education Programs Manager: lisa@hfsv.org