Our Latinx Scholar Chat is an interview series with our 315 Latinos in Technology Scholarship Recipients and the President and CEO of the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley, Ron Gonzales. This interview series dives deep into the lives of our scholars and unveils what they are currently working towards, one conversation at a time.
We kick off our first interview with Shaneen Britton, a 2018 scholarship recipient who is wrapping up her last semester at the University of California – Santa Cruz. As she prepares to graduate with a degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in a few weeks, she sets her sights on obtaining a Ph.D. next in pursuit of her dream job.
“For as long as I live I hope that I too will aim to create an impact in my community in hopes of advancing minority education especially in STEM.” -Shaneen Britton, 2018 LIT scholarship recipient
While our Latinos in Technology Scholarship application closed earlier this month, we are thrilled to report we’ve received 107 applications. In the next couple of weeks, applicants will soon be receiving a notification about the status of their scholarship. The next scholarship period will open in 2021.